Tweaknow PowerPack Professional Download Rapidshare

Tweaknow PowerPack Professional v2.2.0-AGAiN

TweakNow PowerPack is a fully-integrated suite of utilities that let you fine-tune every aspect of your computer’s operating system and Web browser. The RAM Idle program manages the free memory that is available to run Windows programs. It prevents performance from degrading as you swap files and programs in and out of memory. The AutoShutdown program lets you suspend, hibernate, or shut down your computer after a specified period of time. In addition to saving resources, this program keeps your system more secure by making it unavailable to unauthorized people.
  • Instantly make your Windows run faster and smoother, by disabling certain features which have no useful function and by modifying a few key aspects of the system's behavior.
  • Automatically clean your Windows registry from obsolete and unneeded data.
  • Automatically fix many kinds of registry errors, such as broken file references.
  • Easily uninstall leftover traces of software you have thought you have already uninstalled ages ago.
  • Detect and remove unneeded history data and MRU (most recently used) lists that can contain sensitive information about you.
  • Locate and delete unneeded files, including temp files and duplicate files.
Tweaknow PowerPack Professional kurduğunuz andan itibaren gereksiz uygulamaları kapatıp gerekli registry ayarlarını yapıp Windows işletim sistemini hızlandırmanıza yarayan bir program. Registry'nizi otomatik olarak temizler ve gereksiz bilgileri siler. Registry hatalarını düzeltmenize yardımcı olur. Uzun zaman önce sildiğiniz veya kaldırdığınız programların silinememiş artıklarını temizlemenizi sağlar. Son kullanılan dosyalar belleğini temizler. Gereksiz dosyaları, temp dosyalarını ve birden fazla bulunan dosyaları bulup temizler. Tweaknow PowerPack Professional Download full 2009 rapidshare indir. 2.20

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