The Alchemy Key
The Philosophers’ Stone was sought as a wonderful medicine that had thepower to repair the human body thereby increasing human life almostindefinitely. The Bible itself had declared that Melchizedek the King of Salem, who first possessed the Philosophers' Stone, would live forever…Here is a key. Perhaps you willuse it to open a new door.Beware! Once through the dooryou will find the pursuit ofWisdom demands either your fulltimeattention or none at all. Ifyou become a philosopher, yourfriends may think you havebecome a little mad. Indeed, whatwould be made of you? Glassyeyed,preoccupied, strange friends,muttering about ancient history,the Good and the Righteous, andchemistry. Things most peoplesimply don't think about.Those who have preceded you for at least five thousand years wouldsmile: ‘How you come to terms with this is no concern of ours. We don'teven know if you are serious.’
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